Our 2015 European Adventure

Monday, 6.22.2015

Had a great breakfast on the boat of eggs with jambon, mushrooms, cheese and other stuff. And of course, café au lait and croissants. Then showers at the marina and a walk to the grocery store/mall nearby. It was more like a Super Walmart in terms of size. Everything you could imagine except Aleve (which you have to buy at a pharmicie). And funny how cheap they sell Bordeaux in Burgundy.

Back at the marina we topped off the water tank (it was only down about a quarter so the tank must be large. And we heard from Le Boat and they sent a guy from the Branges base to check out our alarm. He looked at all kinds of stuff and then disconnected a wire from a sensor on the coolant overflow reservoir sensor and announced “problem solved”.

About noon we headed back to the north on the Saone and then turned west at the Canal du Centre. First thing we see is Tim and Debbie (our South African friends) turning back from the first lock as it is “closed”. No one there, no lights, no nothing. We remind them it is probably lunch time so we tie off to the side to wait. Tamra and I walked up to the lock an saw a guy and gal sitting in a car nearby eating lunch. We go back to the boat and soon the lock is pumping water and the lights (red and green for activating) are on.

In we go with Tim and Deb behind us. Lock number one of eleven on the way to Chagny. The Canal du Centre is the “real” canal experience. Narrow and lots of locks and houses and agriculture and bicyclists. Beautiful! We see Rully in the stance (not far) and then enter Chagny, only to get sternly informed – by a mean spirited French woman – that we are going too fast. Sorry for wanting control of our boat while passing all the others tied up near Chagny.

When we couldn’t find a place we wanted to stay in Chagny (and still sore from the rude French woman) we pressed on. Pulled over just after Remingy and tied up. Beautiful view of vineyards and hills. We were getting the bikes unlocked when a French gentleman starts talking to me in a firm tone, hands waving, but no English so I don’t have any idea what he’s talking about. I think he doesn’t want us parked where we were but I’m not sure why.

Tamra and Dee head off on the bikes to scout the town while Lynn and I walk. The only restaurant is closed until June 26th (not sure why, the sign is in French). We wander around a bit and see the town, and then head back to the boat. Not wanting more interaction with the local dude we pull up stakes and move on to the west towards Santenay.

A couple of kilometers more and we see boats tied up along the side so we pick a place for the night and “stake out”. Time for dinner (pork chops, risotto, broccoli and St. Romain) then the dishes, cards, reading and bed (about 10 p.m.). Tomorrow = Santenay!